The Cocktail Project for Jim Beam


About Project

Type: The Cocktail Project Responsive Web Design (Jim Beam) 

Role: Lead UX Designer 

Client: iCrossing

Story: For Jim Beam we created a brand new responsive mobile first site. In order to do this I had to help educate iCrossing on the value UX design as well as work with them to implement the proper tools to design the solution with. The recommendation was to use Sketch and InvisionApp tools to create wireframes and prototypes. 

As a Lead UX designer, I worked with key stakeholders to roadmap the UX agile iteration process. I worked closely with various key stakeholders (IT, Creative, Strategy, SEO, and Client partners) throughout the process to ensure the design solution met all business, technology and user goals. 

The global navigation aligns directly and purposely with the primary, secondary, and teritary user personas. We created a guided design solution which allowed an exploratory experience from the home page to the list view page (with a faceted navigation) to the detail page. We emphasized search by giving it priority at the top of all pages. We differentiated our site from others by having a horizontal navigation. Finally, we performed in person user testing to help validate the design thinking for key areas of concern. 

Key Tasks

• Brand Design Explorations

• User Research

• Site map creation

• Concept sketching

• Content strategy

• Wire framing and prototyping 

• Copywriting direction

• Functional specification documentation

• Component pattern library creation 

• Lead client meetings