
About Project

Type: Redesign. 

Role: Lead UX Designer 

Client: iCrossing

Story: For Dremel we redesigned their existing site to create a responsive mobile first site. In efforts to create a user centered design solution we had to completely reconfigure the information architecture to reflect the users way of thinking instead of the businesses way of thinking. This involved reworking the category taxonomy as well as creating a completely new site map and information heirarchy. As a Lead UX designer, I created the overall design roadmap using the agile workflow process.  Thought the process I worked closely with various key stakeholders (IT, Creative, Strategy, SEO, and Client partners) to ensure the design solution met all business, technology and user goals. 

For the design strategy,  we found that users think about their tool needs based on the project they want to create, so we created a new content category “Maker Projects” in the information architecture and site map. My conceptual experience design direction “Ying and Yang” was chosen by the client out of three main ideas presented. This meant all tools lead to a project and all projects lead to a tool.  

Key Tasks

• Existing site content audit

• Google Analytics assessment

• Site map creation

• Content Strategy & Storytelling

• Concept sketching and wireframes

• Mobile first design

• Prototyping 

• Creative direction

• Strong communication to lead meetings 

• User testing with rapid iterative design